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  • Category Description
  • The complete range of ageeing tools for all material such as marble granite and engineered stones
  • Brush For Floor Series

    Cleaning Brush 01

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    Cleaning Brush 01

    cleaning brush for floor polishing the soft brush wire enable the brush to clean quickly,clean

    Cleaning Brush 02

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    Cleaning Brush 02

    cleaning brush for floor polishing the soft brush wire enable the brush to clean quickly,clean

    Slicon carbide stone abrasive brush

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    Slicon carbide stone abrasive brush

    Slicon carbide stone abrasive brush Size:10'' Application: marble/granite  

    Diamond Frankfurt Brush Plate

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    Diamond Frankfurt Brush Plate

    Highest Quality, diamond bristle texturing brushes from Murat. Choose from 11 different grit options (24 - 800) to achieve a variety of texture options on natural stone surfaces including antique finish, leather finish, satin finish and more. Grit: 24#-36#-46#-60#-80#-120#-180#-240#-320#-500#-800#


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