Current Position >>> Home >>> Product Navigation >>> Diamond Polishing Tools >>> Concrete Tooling >>> New Types Husqvarna diamond grinding disc
  • Product Details
  • Time is money, and choosing the correct diamond tool for a job can save you a lot of time.
    Start by choosing a professional supplier.
    Then you can always get qualified help if something does not work as you expect.
    Remember, price and quality tend to go together.
    A low-cost tool of mediocre quality is rarely a good investment if you are going to use the tool professionally.

    Each grit is designed with individual shapes ensuring easier tool identification
    Aggressive shapes for the larger grit sizes (lower grits), where removal rates are important
    Smooth shapes for the finer grit (higher grit) to optimize scratch pattern

    Single or double segments
    Redi-lock system

    soft bond for hard concrete
    medium bond for medium concrete
    hard bond for soft concrete
    Please check for availability.

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