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  • Product Details
  • Products introduction

    Murat's metal-bond diamond tools are constantly being developed to meet our customers’ requirements for efficient grinding tools. Murat has developed a very broad range of metal-bond diamond tools to achieve maximum capacity at minimum cost and to suit most types of floor. Floors can be divided into different categories, such as soft floors, medium-hard floors and hard floors.
    Soft floors
    Floors of loose or porous material. A high rate of removal is achieved with these floors, but with higher tool wear.
    Medium-hard floors
    Normal building concrete. This includes marble and terrazzo floors.
    Hard floors
    Usually refers to steel trowelled floors or certain types of cement. This includes granite. The floors usually require “soft” segments.


    Products describtion

    Zero Tolerance Wheel

    Grit: 30-400#

    Fitted in:CNC machine

    Application: for stone

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