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  • WHEN IS A FLOOR POLISHER NEEDED? Date:2018/3/19 Read:409

    Floor polishers are often called upon to clean and polish when construction work on a new property has been completely finished or when reforms to an existing property have caused the floor surface to become damaged. Typical floor surfaces in Andalucia are marble, travertine and granite which always look at their best when mirror clean with a long-lasting shine and protection.

    For those of us who are simply house-proud, floor polishing will keep the standard of decoration high within a property and most people rightly consider a beautiful shiny floor to be a prerequisite, as are clean windows or fresh, painted walls, to creating an attractive, clean home or office environment.

    Increasingly, people are becoming aware of the need “stage” or present their properties well if they wish to sell or rent them. Floor polishing can play an important part in the home staging process: the theory is that in today’s saturated market, a property needs to stand out from the rest in its league so that is sells fast. Viewers react to subliminal, emotional messages when picking one property over another, while perfect presentation, which includes well polished, clean floors, can make all the difference between a sale or the property simply sitting on the market.

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