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  • Spray Applied or Stenciled Concrete Date:2018/3/23 Read:413

    Floor coverings are not as popular for interior finishes or coverings, but have been around for decades for exterior coverings for pool decks, and patios. In recent years we have seen these types of finishes become more popular in high traffic interior spaces because of their durability, low cost, ease of application, and range of patterns and colors. They are very similar to Microtopping type finishes in that they are thin, but differ in that they usually contain more sand, and provide a rougher, grittier finish. These types of materials are usually applied through a hopper gun under pressure. A fist scratch or "grout coat" is applied. Once the first coat is dry, adhesive backed stencils are laid out over the floor. A second color or wear coat is spray applied over the stencil, and once dry the stencil is peeled up and discarded. The type of finish (knock down, orange peel, smooth) all depends on the spray pattern and method of spray application. Either a clear or colored sealer is then applied for maintenance and aesthetics.

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