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  • CONCRETE PAVERS Date:2018/5/8 Read:377

    Concrete pavers, often referred to as paving stones, are a popular outdoor flooring option. Similar to tiles, pavers are manufactured in a factory in specific shapes, sizes and colors and arrive on site ready to be installed. Pavers are most commonly installed over a compacted base of soil and sand. Because there isn’t any grout between the joints, concrete pavers offer a permeable surface that allows water to pass through. However, this also means that they may shift over time and that weeds could grow between the stones. Hiring a professional paver contractor to install your pavers, rather than laying them yourself, is the best way to protect your patio, driveway or sidewalk from these concerns.

    The use of concrete pavers is growing rapidly on both commercial and residential construction projects. Interlocking pavers form a patterned surface which can be put into service immediately. Pavers are manufactured in various textures and colors. A big benefit of pavers is that they can be removed and re-installed, which reduces future service interruptions.

    The use of concrete pavers is expanding rapidly. There is plenty of growth to go: in Europe there are 100 square feet of pavers installed per person annually whereas, in the United States it is only 1 square foot per person. Pavers can be installed on your driveway, on a walkway, and on a patio. Pavers come in a variety of patterns, colors and styles to suit most any design idea.

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