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  • A greater emphasis on surface preparation Date:2018/7/24 Read:409

    A more recent trend in the stained concrete industry involves surface preparation, a less talked about part of staining yet one that is critical to the final outcome and look of the floor. One of the reasons the stain industry suffered a setback in the early to mid-2000s was because of a chronic outbreak of stain failures mostly caused by the perception that stain application consisted of spray, seal, and walk away and the misconception that stain would work on any concrete surface in any condition. Education and experience caught up with the industry and surface preparation soon became a big part of every staining project.

    Today most professional stain installers incorporate some form of surface preparation into all of their staining jobs. “It is hard to find concrete in good shape to stain,” says Fisher. Hyde agrees and grinds all concrete before applying stains. The idea of grinding or honing the concrete prior to staining was unheard of a decade ago, but now is a growing trend. The process of grinding removes the top layer of concrete paste, eliminating contamination and other foreign material that can create a blemish on a stained floor. It also creates a uniform surface that allows the installer to have more control of the staining process. Another trend dealing with surface preparation prior to staining is the use of overlays. Cement-based thin sections or microtoppings have been around for a long time, used as both a stand-alone surface and for use as a new palette for stained floors. But in recent years, they have gained in popularity as a method for surface preparation prior to staining. Fisher prefers to apply stain to overlays versus concrete because of the control it gives him in the color and finish. He admits, however, that using an overlay doubles the price per square foot of his work when compared to staining plain concrete.

    In contrast, Rigsby only works with overlays when they are absolutely required. “Attention to detail is critical with an overlay so it appears natural versus sloppy and unreliable,” she says. No matter your preferred method of surface preparation, the fact is that doing nothing to the surface of the concrete prior to staining is no longer an accepted method.

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