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  • SPRAY-DOWN CONCRETE TOPPINGS Date:2019/1/28 Read:387

    An easy way to give concrete floors, patios & pool decks a decorative, skid-resistant finish

    Versatile and easy to apply, spray-down concrete systems offer a wide array of finish options. Usually they are sprayed evenly onto concrete with an air-powered hopper gun, but they can also be applied as a splatter coat to create a textured, slip-resistant surface or "knocked down" with a trowel to create a smoother finish. They are very similar to microtoppings in that they are thin, but differ in that they usually contain more sand and provide a rougher, grittier finish.


    These systems are often used for concrete pool decks and patios to give them a decorative slip-resistant finish. They also are a good option for high-traffic interior floors because of their durability, low cost, ease of application, and range of patterns and colors. A popular decorative technique is to use paper or adhesive stencils to produce designs such as borders and medallions, tile patterns, and embossed or inlaid motifs.

    How to install

    Spray-down toppings are usually applied by a hopper gun under pressure. The type of finish (knock-down, orange peel or smooth) depends on the spray pattern and method of spray application. If stencils are being used, a base coat of material is applied and then the stencils are adhered to the floor, followed by the application of a second color coat. Finally, a sealer is applied to protect the surface and enhance the color.

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