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    1. Grinding 1/4" - 2"

    At the minimum, the scope of grinding shall be any vertical displacement in a path of travel of 1/4 inch or greater. At a maximum a 2 inch vertical displacement may be repaired by grinding. Over 2 inches must be repaired by replacement.


    2. Scarifier Grind

    For large grinds, the initial concrete removal will be performed using a scarifier with an attached vacuum to contain the generated concreted dust.


    3. Smooth

    Completed grinds shall be smooth and sloped back at a minimum of a 1:8 slope. An example would be a 1 inch vertical displacement will be sloped back at least 8 inches from the point of the lip. A 1/2 inch vertical displacement will be sloped back 4 inches


    4. Dry Hand Grinder

    Smaller grinds and finishing will be performed using a dry hand grinder. This also maintains an attached vacuum to contain the generated concreted dust. This fine grinding process allows our technicians to complete the work in visually pleasing finish.


    5. Clean Visually Pleasing Look

    The completed grind will be squared off at the back to allow for a clean look. The concrete on the other side of the grind should be left untouched. The finished surface will initially be lighter in color and the aggregate will show.


    6. Finished Project

    The finished grind will not be slippery. It will have about the same coefficient of friction as the undisturbed concrete surface.

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