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  • GARAGE FLOOR RESURFACING Date:2019/7/2 Read:307

    Out of the flooring throughout your home, the garage probably gets hit the hardest by cracks, stains and general wear and tear. This makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Automobiles have lots of different liquids inside them to keep them running properly. Oil, gasoline, coolants and even good ol’ H2O can be found running through a car’s veins. They also accumulate dirt and rocks and rain after being driven out in the elements. At the end of the day, they deposit all of these things onto your garage floors. Aside from the cars, there’s also all the lawn mowers, shovels, bikes, scooters and skateboards permanently dirtying up the garage floor.    

    Many people dream of converting their garage into something special like a workshop or an organized storage space. Yet few people see those dreams come true. Maybe what’s stopping them is the smelly, stained garage floor. Just imagine how gorgeous your garage could be with a smooth, stainless stain resistant floor! Once the floors are cleaned and sparkling, there’s no telling what you’ll be inspired to do in the garage. Hang shelves and pegboards, perhaps? Finally go through the mysterious cardboard boxes in the corner? 
    Since garage floors are almost always made out of concrete already, the refinishing process is simple. In most situations, all you have to do is apply thin layers of concrete to the base slab. After that, you can add any visual design of choice. Wait for it to dry, layer on a topcoat sealer and you’re done! Your floor will stay looking as good for years to come. Certain textures and sealants may even make it easier to keep clean once it’s been resurfaced. 

    We always say that the hardest part of resurfacing concrete is choosing a style since the design options are nearly limitless! Popular options for the garage include solid colors and faux tile borders. A bold full tile look, however, can turn any garage into a shmancy automobile showroom! Alternating black and white tiles makes it look like a racetrack must be nearby, for instance. Neutral-colored tile, on the other hand, can really make a garage feel like an extension of your home. Depending on which room your garage door connects to, you can really tie the garage to the rest of the house with a simple change of flooring.

    Whatever style you pick for your new garage floor, one thing is for sure… your house is definitely going to see some serious business at your next garage sale!       

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