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    Stamped and stenciled concrete can achieve the appearance of genuine brickwork, marble, granite, wood, flagstones, or aged cobblestones in outdoor spaces like driveways, pool areas, walkways, and patios at a fraction of the cost. Available in various patterns and colors, stenciled and stamped concrete can be integrated in multiple patterns over a wide area to achieve a unique and attractive look. Unlimited design options allow you to create the surface of your choice, but deciding which option is best for you depends on the overall look and feel you want to create. Here are a few pros and cons of each type to help you decide.

    Stenciled concrete is created by applying rolls of patterned paper with a special roller onto existing concrete that has been covered by an overlay. Stenciling produces a flatter surface than some stamped concrete because the joint indentations aren't as deep, making stenciled concrete a great choice if you are looking for a stable surface to support furniture or for areas that require snow removal since the even surface won’t interfere with the blade of a shovel. Stenciling allows for almost unlimited design options, including graphics and more intricate patterns.It can be used indoors and out.

    Color hardeners and release agents must go onto fresh concrete before it sets, then stamping with large polyurethane forms must be completed before the concrete hardens. Because of these time frames, an experienced installer is crucial. After stamping, the installer will then complete any detail work, remove residual release agents, add a curing compound, install joints, and seal the concrete. Since imprints created by stamps are deeper than those made by stencils, differences in elevation are noticeable on the surface.

    Both stamped and stenciled concrete will add curb appeal and aesthetic value to your home, maximizing your investment return. Weigh factors such as: appearance, cost, design, installation, maintenance, and durability, and decide whether stenciled or stamped concrete is right for you, then be sure to hire the right installers for your concrete project. At Concrete Resurfacing, we make concrete beautiful. 

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