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  • THE NATURE OF CONCRETE POLISHING Date:2019/8/30 Read:350

    Industry standards for Concrete Polished surfaces has been in existence for many many years. It is not surprising that new test methods exist to regulate the level of quality. According to CPAA, (Concrete Polishing Association of America) standards, terms and words clearly define what types of work are performed, and help in the education of the flooring industry and more importantly to you, our client. 

    · Gloss, clarity, haze, profile, and abrasion resistance are terms that apply to defining the different classifications of polish to the surface of the concrete. CPAA Standards believe that by applying these terms to the polishing process, our industry will help designers, architects, and consumers at large have an easy way to select their products instead of trying to purchase a process.

    · In the absence of a prescribed methodology for field measuring the quality of polished concrete, the CPAA and Clay Floors takes the following position in classifying the types of polished concrete and determining the standards of limits for quality for each classification as such. Changing a concrete floor surface can be done by any of the following methods:

    · Bonded abrasive polished concrete - This multi-step operation of mechanically grinding, honing, and polishing a concrete floor surfaces with bonded abrasives; will cut a concrete floor surface and refine each cut to the maximum potential. This is done to achieve a specified level of finished gloss as defined by the CPAA. What does this mean to you? You will have the most durable finish that requires the least amount of maintenance. We most always recommend this type of polishing.

    · Burnished polished concrete - This multi-step operation of mechanical friction-rubbing a concrete floor surface with or without waxes or resins will achieve a specified level of finished gloss as defined by the CPAA. This means if you choose this process, the finish requires more maintenance. While it may be less durable, a regular maintenance plan is recommended to keep the integrity of the floor intact over the course of the life of the floor.

    · Hybrid polished concrete - This multi-step operation; uses either standard grinding / polishing equipment, lightweight equipment, high speed burnishing equipment, or a combination of the above, to combine the mechanical grinding, honing, and polishing process. The friction rubbing process uses bonded abrasives, abrasive pads, or a combination of, to achieve the specified level of finished gloss as defined by the CPAA. For more specific information about the type of floor polishing we need to come out and take a look, then discuss with you your desired look.

    · Aggregate exposure type of surface -  This means grinding a concrete floor surface with bonded abrasives to achieve a specified level of exposed aggregate. Finished Gloss means processing a concrete floor surface to achieve a specified level of finished gloss; (flat [ground], satin [honed], semi polished, and highly polished). This is a measure in reflective clarity (DOI), and reflective sheen (specular gloss), and haze. Glossy finishes are classified as having different levels and varying degrees of reflective clarity and sheen.

    · Reflective Clarity - This speaks to the Visual Appearance. If you look at it from 5 feet above and perpendicular to a surface, the degree of sharpness and crispness of the reflection of overhead objects. If a measurement device is used, those numbers will indicate the distinctness of image on a scale if measured to ASTM standards.

    · Reflective Sheen - This also means visual appearance, but it is viewed at 20 feet from and at an angle to a surface, the degree of gloss reflected from a surface. If a measurement device is used, the numbers indicate the gloss at 60* if measured to ASTM standards. Haze, Surface Profile, and Abrasion Resistance, all can use measurement devices and the varying numbers should all be in keeping with ASTM standards.

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