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    An epoxy garage floor can revolutionize the appearance, durability and utility of a garage. These days, fewer and fewer garages are being used to store the family car. People are converting garage space into workout rooms, auto shops and garden facilities. When it comes to creative ways to put that spacious garage to better use, the sky is the limit. Now it’s time to do something about that ugly, dirty and stained garage floor.
    The application of epoxy floor coating can turn a residential or commercial garage floor into a colorful showroom for fun or business. Epoxy coatings provide an affordable flooring alternative for entrepreneurs, hobbyists and everyday homebodies. The available color patterns and design styles allow home and business owners to literally transform any boring concrete floor into an exciting room or facility.

    Epoxy Garage Floor

    Although there are paint products that contain epoxy, epoxy floor coating is not paint. Adding epoxy to paint may offer increased durability, but it’s still paint. Epoxy coating, on the other hand, is a serious Thermos resin. Epoxy is created by combining Polynesia hardener with epoxied resin. The Polynesia hardener is what makes epoxy extremely tough and durable. An epoxy coating actually goes through a curing process, unlike paint which merely has to dry. The exothermic curing process forms interlocking polymer structures to produce an unbelievably tough flooring surface.

    An epoxy garage floor coating is much thicker and more durable than paint. It should be mentioned, however, that a properly prepared surface is one of the keys to the proper application of an epoxy floor coating product. Investing in a do it yourself epoxy flooring kit often leads to disappointing results for this very reason. A properly installed epoxy finish should resist damage caused by chemicals, impacts, chipping, abrasions and stains.

    Epoxy Flooring Benefits

    Epoxy floor coating can do wonders for a dingy garage floor crawling with unsightly spider cracks. An epoxy topical sealer also gets rid of all that irritating concrete dust. Believe it or not, garage floors actually shed concrete dust that is regularly tracked into the house. The dust also collects on anything that is stored in the garage, including vehicles, canned vegetables and camping equipment. Epoxy surface coatings are easy to clean and naturally resistant to moisture buildup.

    The possibilities are almost endless when it comes to installing an epoxy topical sealer on a garage floor. Variegated color patterns, color flakes and nonskid surfaces are only a few of the enticing possibilities. Cleaning up oil and other automotive fluids is unbelievably efficient with an epoxy floor. Moreover, the permanent elimination of oil stains and the smell of gasoline are bound to ensure marital bliss for many years to come.

    Depending on the desired finish, epoxy floors can brighten any environment by reflecting light in every direction. Maintenance free epoxy floors can add value to any home or business. The use of advanced technology and superior materials will ensure that an epoxy floor coating endures far into the future.

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