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  • Epoxy Commercial Floor Coatings Date:2021/2/1 Read:242

    Alumitec has partnered with Crown Polymers to apply their advanced floor coatings in commercial and industrial environments. These advanced epoxy coatings will renew the appearance of floors left unprotected for many years, as well as protect new floors. Epoxy systems provide a highly durable surface with a distinctive and professional look that is easy to clean and resistant to oils and chemicals commonly found in commercial environments. These finishes can withstand daily pedestrian and vehicular traffic without wear and tear. The range of custom colors and textures are limitless and can be personalized by integrating corporate logos within the finished floor.

    Floors with cracks and decayed concrete can be repaired before the application of a primer and finish coat to rejuvenate the surface and the overall appearance of the floor. As with most coatings, proper substrate preparation is the key to ensuring that adhesion to the floor is optimal and the life of the coating is maximized.

    Minimize Maintenance

    Alumitec can now offer this unique service to our clients to complement the existing services we provide. Epoxy coatings can be applied to parking garages, mechanical floors, common areas and docks to beautify and minimize maintenance in these areas.

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