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  • Is Staining Concrete a DIY Project? Date:2021/5/17 Read:202

    Wondering if you can stain your concrete floor or patio yourself? Learn about whether applying stains is a DIY project or if you'd be better off to hire a pro.

    Common Staining Mistakes

    · Washing the concrete with muriatic acid before staining
    This depletes the lime in the concrete, preventing acid stains from reacting properly with the concrete and producing the desired color.

    · Skipping on-site color samples
    You should always do a color sample on the concrete you plan to stain since all surfaces are unique and the stain will react differently with each slab. Create your sample in an area that won’t be seen or will be covered up. Good places for samples are in a closet, under the stairs, in a utility room, or where cabinets or appliances will be installed.

    · Using masking tape or painter’s tape to layout designs on the concrete
    On concrete that has already been stained the tape’s adhesive may pull color off the floor. On unstained concrete the tape may leave behind a residue that prevents the stain from reacting properly with the concrete. When masking is required, cardboard, paper or other materials should be used instead.

    · Not neutralizing acid stains before sealer application
    When using acid stains, if neutralization is skipped or done improperly your sealer will not be able to form a proper bond with the concrete.

    · Not allowing sufficient cure time for new concrete before staining
    Fresh concrete must cure for at least 14 days before staining. For extra assurance, many manufacturers recommend 21 days.

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