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  • BATHROOM COUNTERTOPS Date:2022/1/26 Read:163

    If you're unsure of whether to take the concrete splash, many designers and architectural concrete contractors recommend trying it out in the bathroom. Because you're working with a small space and it's not a room that you spend a lot of time in, it's a good test room. And if you plan to sell your house in the near future, you may have fears about a radical remodel. But the bathroom is considered safe—it won't be a deal-breaker like a kitchen or master bathroom. And it's probable that your fears will be unfounded and it will end up being a strong selling point and encourage you or future owners to introduce concrete to other rooms.

    Wanda Ellerbeck of Grotto Designs says that powder rooms are a popular choice for the initiation into decorative concrete. "Often it begins with one item," she says, "like a sink or bathroom vanity. But before you know it, we tie it all together and it's concrete-based."

    Top 3 Attributes to Consider for Bathroom Countertops

    1) Price: The true cost of the countertop is not in the concrete itself, but rather in the artisan's creativity and time.

    2) Maintenance: Cleaning a concrete countertop is no more difficult than any other type of surface.

    3) Design: No other countertop surface offers customization in color, size, shape, and thickness.

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