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  • Composite Materials Squaring Date:2011/5/3 Read:1339

    Composite Materials Composite materials are materials made of two or more constituents. The combination of the constituents produces stronger and more functional materials. An example of a composite material is reinforced concrete. Plastics are also composite materials. A composite material is usually composed of a constituent material with tensile strength, and a polymer that allows the material to be shaped more easily.


    Composite Materials Cutting Composite materials, depending on the nature of their constituents, may be brittle or malleable. Reinforced concrete is hard, and therefore the options for shaping it are confined to cutting, chiseling, or drilling. Plastics are flexible, and so they can be bent or shaped easily. Some engineers are so skilled with plastic that they can use it as they would use wood.


    Composite Materials Squaring Composite materials squaring is the engineering process of shaping or cutting composite materials into functional pieces with precise measurements. Composite materials squaring requires tools that are able to cut with a close to zero degree of error. Diamond blades and diamond drill bits are often used in composite materials squaring.


    Drilling Composites Some composites, such as concrete, or high-density fiberboards, require the use of drills to properly utilize them in everyday home improvement. Reinforced concrete is often used as material for strong walls. If holes need to be drilled for shelves or racks, drilling through the material will be akin to drilling marble or drilling granite. The tools used for drilling granite and marble can be used to drill through tough composite materials. Stone cutting tools are an asset when dealing with these hard materials.


    Composite Materials Polishing Polishing tools can be used to improve the appearance of composite materials. Floor polishing pads, granite polishing pads, and marble polishing pads can be used if the materials being polished bear similarities to those stones.

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