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  • Concrete floor polishing Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Lincoln Date:2016/11/17 Read:775

    Over the next few months we’ll be working on a lot of polished concrete flooring projects across the midlands (Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Lincoln) using our new concrete grinding and polishing machinery and of course the diamond tooling that we own the designs to and believe to be the finest quality available.

    What is polished concrete flooring?

    In a nutshell we take a standard concrete floor or slab that is found in most domestic properties, garages, warehouses. Use coarse diamonds to grind away the old grey and unattractive surface to expose the aggregate, then use finer and finer grades of diamond to smooth out any scratches to produce a wonderful glossy floor that looks like a huge monolithic slab of granite-like flooring. The aggregate shines like gemstones, the silica in the sand becomes glass like, in essence you have a very classy and cool looking floor.

    What are the benefits of polished concrete flooring?

    The benefits of polishing concrete flooring is that it’s eco friendly being that the waste produced is recyclable and because you are working with a product that’s already in situ you aren’t adding any further products to the floor (lino, carpet, wood, tile).

    Once the floor is sealed you really only need to clean the floor with water and a mild detergent and overall the flooring is very cost effective and very low maintenance.

    Contact us today to find out about our offers on Polished concrete flooring in Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Lincoln.

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