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  • Epoxy Coating. Date:2017/3/27 Read:551

    Epoxy systems are very versatile, offering great adhesion, durability, and a wide range of colors. Epoxy coatings are available in a variety of options, with the solvent-free, 100% solids version, being most popular. Solvent-borne epoxies offer superior adhesion and are often used as primers. Most resinous floor system utilize an epoxy based primer. Generally, epoxy products are two-component, consisting of a "resin" and a "hardener".

    Epoxy flooring is a flooring surface that is made up of multiple layers of epoxy that is applied to the floor to a depth of at least two millimetres. The difference between an epoxy floor and an epoxy floor coating lies in the depth of the epoxy. As stated, an epoxy floor must be at least two millimetres thick. Any epoxy floor that is less than two millimetres thick is best referred to as an epoxy floor coating.

    Epoxy refers to a system that is made up of two main components – resins and hardeners. The resin and hardener is mixed together where they chemically react to form a rigid plastic material that is strong, resistant to degradation and that bonds extremely well to its substrate. Epoxy floors are so strong that they can be used in even the most demanding of industrial environments.

    Epoxy floor finishes have a smooth and seamless surface making it an ideal flooring system in high traffic, entertainment and work areas. Epoxy flooring can be used on garages, living rooms, domestic & commercial kitchens, rumpus rooms, alfresco areas, playrooms, laundries, restaurants, shopping centres, workshops, gym and offices. Domestic and commercial garage and kitchen floors benefit from the water, chemical and oil resistant properties of epoxy flooring, while the seamless surface is hygienic and easy to maintain.

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