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  • Top quality floor care Date:2017/4/17 Read:526

    We recommend a scheduled maintenance program to keep your floors clean, looking presentable, and free from any debris or matter that may damage your hard surface flooring or present an obstacle to pedestrians. Preventative measures are an instrumental practice in helping your flooring material last longer and continue looking great for the long term.

    All of our floor care programs are customized to best suit your exact floor types. Based on the information we obtain about your facility, we will incorporate the most appropriate floor maintenance plan from the following options:

    Strip and Refinish – When necessary, stripping involves removing the old floor finish to get rid of scratches or notches in the flooring. The imperfections in the floor can be sanded out and filled, before the floors surface is thoroughly cleaned and rinsed in preparation for the refinishing process. Several coats of new floor finish are reapplied in the refinishing process, which serves to protect the floor while also restoring it’s appealing, smooth and shiny surface.

    Spray Buffing or High Speed Burnishing – Large facilities often have open areas of marble, tile or Acrylic floor finishes that need to be buffed to remove scratches, and restore the shine to achieve a glossy appearance. This task is not always convenient during peak business hours, as the work cannot be performed during times of the day when there is a lot of foot traffic. We will work with you to identify high or low traffic times of the facility, and create a schedule for your floor care at a time that is convenient for your business flow.

    We can accommodate you with many options such as quarterly buffing of low traffic areas, to monthly maintenance of office building lobbies and hallways. More frequent floor care can be scheduled for areas such as retail environments, where you want the premises to continuously look clean and impressive.

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