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  • Benefits of Polished Floors Date:2017/6/5 Read:647

    · Cost Savings: Traditional floor covering material cost more and have more maintenance costs associated with up-keep.

    · Less Maintenance: Polished floors are easy to clean, requiring only occasional mopping with soap and water. They eliminate the need for any coatings such as wax or sealants. Polished concrete is very resistant to marks, scratches, and stains from chemicals spills.

    · Resistant to moisture: Polished concrete allows the floor to breathe and eliminates issues that arise with other flooring material that seal off the concrete, such as tile. In addition, polished concrete reduces dust mite and allergen problems, and does not support mold growth.

    · High light reflectivity: Saves energy costs by reducing the artificial lighting requirements. Important for public places like office buildings, hotels, restaurants, and other public facilities that want to project a bright, clean, professional and safe appearance.

    · Safe and Permanent: Polished concrete does not require hazardous coatings, cleaners or adhesives. It’s long life expectancy makes it an ideal choice.

    · Versatility: Polished concrete is popular in commercial buildings because of limitless design options and it’s versatility. It is easy to maintain, has a long life expectancy, and is very affordable solution for your floors. Some common examples include: Large warehouses and warehouse outlets •Retail shops •Hotels and restaurant •Grocery stores •Office buildings •Automobile showrooms •Private residences •Industrial buildings •Big-box stores

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