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  • Learn the pros and cons of an Epoxy Floor Date:2017/7/14 Read:555

    Epoxy Floor paint wears fast and can begin bubbling immediately or soon after application, therefore, it is in your best interest to find a company that guarantees your floor will last. If you're looking at applying epoxy floor paint to your garage or workshop, take your time to shop around and make sure your supplier offers a warranty.

    Epoxy Floor Paint Warranty

    Most warranties for epoxy floor paint are limited guarantees of 3-5 years. This warranty generally applies to floors that have been finished by professionals. In the end, you have to ask yourself if the cost of hiring professionals and getting a warranty outweighs the risk of applying epoxy floor paint by yourself.

    Epoxy Floor Paint Durability

    Epoxy Floors can bubble and loose their shine soon after application, creating frustration and additional expenses. Furthermore, if you're planning on driving or parking on your epoxy floor, be aware that tires can pull up the flooring. Some automobile fluides will eat through your epoxy floors and cause them to bubble and peel.

    The bottom line is, epoxy floors are not as durable as alternative flooring options. If you plan on getting epoxy floors, make sure you are willing to compromise durability for appearance.

    Maintaining Epoxy Flooring

    If you get epoxy flooring, you will want to apply a sealer every 1-2 years to prevent blemishes and maintain the shine. However, what most people don't realize, is that their epoxy flooring doesn't always keep well between these coatings.

    If your epoxy flooring doesn't last as long as you expect, stop hassling around with maintenance and start looking around for alternative flooring options.

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